Winter Care for Perennials

As the frosty grip of winter approaches, it becomes essential to prepare our beloved perennials for the challenges that lie ahead. In the picturesque landscape of New Brunswick, where temperatures can plummet and snowfall can be plentiful, winterizing your perennials is crucial for their survival and future blossoming.

First and foremost, performing a thorough cleanup is essential. Begin by removing any dead foliage, stems, or flowers from your perennials. This not only improves the overall appearance but also minimizes the risk of pests and diseases over the winter. By tidying up your garden beds, you provide a clean slate for your perennials to rejuvenate come spring.

Most perennials do not suffer from frost damage, so they do not need to be covered. However, some sensitive perennials such as hostas and bleeding hearts are happier with a layer of mulch around the base of the plant. This protective layer of organic matter serves as an effective shield, shielding the plants' delicate roots from extreme temperatures and preventing the soil from drying out.

Snow, with its plentiful air spaces serves as a great insulator for perennials. Any time that you are shovelling a side walk or clearing snow, be sure to throw extra snow over your plants. The freeze/thaw cycle that often happens sometime in January or February can do a number on perennials because they can’t decide whether to wake up or stay dormant. If the snow begins to melt off of your perennials, throw some snow on them from another part of your garden or yard. This will keep your perennial in its winter sleeping mode longer.

Another essential step is to water your perennials adequately before the ground freezes. Once the growing season has ended, give your plants one final deep watering, ensuring that the moisture reaches the roots. This extra hydration will supplement their water supply during the long winter months when water is scarce. Be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot in freezing conditions.


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